The Winter schedule is ending Sunday, March 1. The Summer schedule begins Monday, March 9.
Lessons are held all during the year, but may be cancelled due to weather. I try to email the students who are scheduled that day. I expect an email if a student decides not to come as scheduled
Summer Schedule
Monday - 9am - Noon
Wednesday Noon - 7pm
Thursday 9am - Noon and 2pm - 7pm
Please contact me for lesson openings. My e-mail is joannayund@gmail.com
Schedule and Event flyers are listed on the Student Calendar.
May 30-31 - GPBBC AKC trial
New Richmond, WI
June 2-4 - Cappy Pruett Training Clinic
Chisago, MN
June 19-21 - GRSC AKC Trials - Courses A, B, D
Chisago, MN
August 28-30 - Cappy Pruett Training Clinic
Chisago, MN
August 31 - Minnesota State Fair Trial
September 11-13 - GRSC AKC Trial
October2-4 Rottweiler All Breed AKC Trial